Whether you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with friends, a loved one or self-partnered, enjoying one of these romantic cocktails will make you feel like you have been struck by Cupid’s arrow. Here are three festive recipes that will make you see love on Valentine’s Day.
- Pinktini Cocktail : 50 ml Pinkster Gin, 10 ml elderflower cordial. Fill shaker with ice, throw in several raspberries, then add five parts Pinkster to one part cordial. Shake and pour into an ice cold glass. Garnish with a raspberry and a sprig of mint.

- Je t’aime cocktail, based on the classic French Martini : 37.5 ml Pinkster gin, 15 ml chambord, 50 ml pineapple juice. Muddle in a Martini glass and garnish with a raspberry
- Pinkster G&T : 50 ml Pinkster gin, top with tonic of your choice, ice and garnish with a raspberry and sprig of mint.

ABV : 37.5%
Available from: www.pinkstergin.com Marks and Spencer and over 140 Majestic stores nationwide as well as 31Dover.com and Ocado. Pinkster Gin is Vegan friendly