UAE, USA & Spain top of Travellers’ 2023 luxury hoilday destinations list
UAE, USA & Spain are top of Traveller’s 2023 luxury holiday destinations list according to Travel Counsellors
Travellers from the UK seeking luxury holidays are looking at the UAE, the USA and Spain for their 2023 holidays according to leading independent travel company, Travel Counsellors. Not put off by the cost-of-living crisis, 67 percent will continue to book their 2023 holidays and 63 percent will still base their choice of getaway on destination, as it is their most important factor according to a survey of over 2,500 customers.

The survey, carried out in September 2022, also found that nearly 67 percent of travellers seeking luxury holidays are planning to book their 2023 holiday when they usually do, while 23 percent wanted to make the most of best deals by booking early and 10 percent will book last minute, within two months of their departure date. While many would look to stick to their usual board basis (40 percent), 27 percent would be more inclined to book an all-inclusive stay for their 2023 trip. Targeted offers were also something they would consider looking at for future trips, with 67% saying it would be of interest. Travellers seeking luxury holidays would look to spend on average, £7,350 per holiday*
Dave Callan, customer director at Travel Counsellors, comments: “It is interesting to see at the minute, our customers seeking luxury holidays are showing no signs of cutting back their travel plans and for them, destination is a top priority. For 2023 we have found that the UAE, the USA and even luxury resorts in Spain are top of their travelling agenda with these destinations making up the hotlist for our most booked destination for these buyers in recent months.

“Whatever their budget, customers seeking luxury holidays are still looking for trusted travel advice and want to know they are in safe hands should anything go wrong during their travels, and that they have the flexibility and security when making that all important booking that means so much to them. Our trusted travel advisors are always on hand to offer well-informed, reliable advice.”
For further information about Travel Counsellors, please visit: www.travelcounsellors.com.