Why it is possible to have a bolthole and a place in the sun

Many of us dream of giving up work, retiring early and taking flight to the sun, sand and sea in a far-flung destination especially during the gloomy British winter.

For many though, that would involve some serious financial planning and quite possibly freeing up capital investment in property to allow the purchase of a home abroad. It has always been perceived that this would necessitate a permanent move from the UK to the sunny shores of a the chosen foreign country.

Whilst for some, that may be the perfect dream but, for others the thought of giving up all roots in the UK can be a little daunting and sometimes make the dream no longer viable either practically or emotionally.

So, if you discovered that it could be possible to have a base in the UK and a home abroad, what would you do then?

A growing number of people over the age of 45, but particularly those of retirement age, are choosing a more simple life, free to enjoy the things that make them happy with family and friends. This has seen a surge in the number of people selling larger family homes, freeing up capital and choosing a park home lifestyle in luxury parks across the country.

Serenity Parks, a provider of quality park homes for discerning buyers, has seen a shift in the demographic of its purchasers – professional couples looking to downsize and retirees liquidating financial assets tied up in larger properties are two of the types of buyers that are choosing a luxury park home lifestyle ahead of more traditional homes.

Add to this homeowners who want to fulfil their dream of living abroad, but perhaps want to escape the searing heat of foreign summers, keep roots and maintain family connections and indeed spend every summer holidays with the grandchildren, makes a UK park home and a home abroad a winning combination.

Practically, the arrangement is perfect too with UK park homes generally having low running and maintenance costs, a community spirit between residents and little or no exterior and garden maintenance required, and the home can be left for long periods of time with the confidence knowing that it is secured within a gated community.

Furthermore, the archaic stigma associated with park homes seems to have finally been eradicated and the change in legislation that has seen park homes recognised as permanent residences has all helped to elevate their status to a tangible home option for an increasing number of people.

There is little surprise then that the possibility of having a British bolthole and a place in the sun is becoming a reality for many.

Considerable investment continues to be made in the developments owned by Serenity Parks and its first developments which were located in the North West of England saw demand outstrip supply proving that retirement homes in small communities really is what astute buyers are demanding.

The company has now made its first acquisition in the South of England, Kingsdown Meadow residential Park in Kent, and will be offering the first properties for sale from Spring 2019.

Serenity Parks advises, especially in the current climate, that independent legal and financial advice is sought prior to the commencement of any purchase processes.

For further information about current developments or for investment opportunities please visit https://serenityparks.co.uk/

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